Sunday, November 26, 2006

Postcard of Longing

Love Letter to The Man

Oh, Leonard, how you made my deep dark nights in swabs of cotton-brained lives...
Oh, Leonard, how your words would tangle in my hair, how'd they tangle my thoughts up in balls,
Oh, Leonard, how you called out to my soul in your songs.
And I always came, I always yielded to whatever call [of spite, of love, of lust, of tears, of fear, of goodbye, of semen, of need, of old souls passing, of loyalty, of humbleness, of vassality, of magic and wonder, of self, of wounds, of song, of verse, of memory].
I always yielded to the growls in the night in the dead hours of stilness when babies are killed by the lull of their cots,
when hair falls in bunches on pillows and sweat drips like crazy tears on our bodies,
when the sky is nothing but the black water washing over the hounds guarding silence,
when sounds are hoodwinked into making patterns and secret songs
when thoughts tangle up and people die countless deaths in the arms of their dreams,
yet I refuse this gift of death and choose your voice.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Doi la doi la doi

Doua perechi de genunchi se lipesc una de alta
Doi genunchi din crengi cu artrita tin cele doua perechi.
Pe genunchii lui Dumnezeu stam noi toti intre faldurile acelea
de sutana.

Underwater days

The endless soup of time
drowned me deep inside it.
Made my fingers fling
across the keys like jelly.
The endless soup of time spiced with bits
of bread getting moist
For the teeth of the lazy.
The endless soup of time has
no warning drowning peril sign
For the little girl not to sail
in her bread crumb bark.
The endless soup of time is
thick and full of angeldust
Had me kidnapped and hooked on
The remains of the day
In front of the daring screen.
The endless soup of time is
Never surely shallow or steep
And I could sink or I could swim.
The endless soup of time dimmed
All the feelings and all the pain
But it coloured in gaudy days
Every lifesaver I could spot.
The endless soup of time lurking
In every gap between
A word and an answer.
The endless soup of waiting
Drove me mad and tamed my soul
To a bottle filled with smoke.

Carnival whores

A story of young poets who know not whether they are so.
A story of not being able to say anything out loud.
A story that the day held in its clutches
Of red wine and of chocolate
and heartache tea.

A story of the lazy morning
A story of the heat under the nightgown
A story of dreams stitched together like
cut-out girls.
Down on their knees
with scorched skin.

A story of the red badge of courage
A story of my own feelings poured inside Willie
A story of an empty pen
Where the woods of my madness
Grow dark.

A story told behind a screen
A story of the kettles simpering
A poem like a forceps inside me.
Where no word will come out
Of its own accord.

A story where beauty is obscured
A story where paradise is lost
A story of the parasites munching my silence.
I lost my fortress of dreams
and am building a new one.

Yes I will tell you that story.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Drum in lucru

I got blisters on my fingers de la cat am tinut de tine.
This, m'dear is bye-bye to the straight face, bye-bye to your demons.
Goodbye loneliness, hello dreameress...

Anunt: Alataieri mi-am scos inima de la congelator.
Era sa plezneasca de-atata ras.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Cheap Stolen Song

All the umbrellas in London
Couldn't hold my tears for you
All the raincoats together
Couldn't stop them flooding through.

All the corner policemen
In their parkas grey and blue
Dispensed several directions
That I should just pull through.

This place seems so empty
Since I lost your name
Wish I could bake cookies
And learn to be tame. To be taaaame.To be taaame.

And my heart in pieces
It just couldn't tell
Whether I had only lost it
Or was sentenced to hell.
Gone to hell...

Face yet uncarved slab of marble,
Eyes hidden deep within the palms
You come to my soul in a gargle
Of uneasy qualms.

My soul googles closely
At your featureless smile
Wish you came around
And we walked a mile
Alongside. Alongside.