Friday, November 24, 2006

Underwater days

The endless soup of time
drowned me deep inside it.
Made my fingers fling
across the keys like jelly.
The endless soup of time spiced with bits
of bread getting moist
For the teeth of the lazy.
The endless soup of time has
no warning drowning peril sign
For the little girl not to sail
in her bread crumb bark.
The endless soup of time is
thick and full of angeldust
Had me kidnapped and hooked on
The remains of the day
In front of the daring screen.
The endless soup of time is
Never surely shallow or steep
And I could sink or I could swim.
The endless soup of time dimmed
All the feelings and all the pain
But it coloured in gaudy days
Every lifesaver I could spot.
The endless soup of time lurking
In every gap between
A word and an answer.
The endless soup of waiting
Drove me mad and tamed my soul
To a bottle filled with smoke.

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